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Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

The world is talking about it, media eulogising the best gowns, body language, performances and the 81st Academy awards is now history... I am not trying to say anything special or different from the rest, just a passing thought:

The producers sure made millions and millions of bucks!!Is anyone thinking of doing their tiny bit to improve the living conditions of the slums or the lives of thousands of kids out there in the enviorns which brought them so much fame and glory?
I am quite sure the thought hasn't even occurred, at least not yet!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


How impossible, unimaginable, unthinkable, dreadful and impractical life would be without a mirror! Ah! vanity thy name is woman, it is said...Not entirely true. Men do love to see their reflections many times over during the day. Tell a man that all the mirrors in the world are lost; He will never rejoice that his woman, will at last, be on time for dinner. His heart will sink at the thought:
A romantic would eulogise that "he would see his reflection in his lady's eyes"

An egotist would quip" I am mirror cracking material..I cracked all the mirrors'

The Greek God would say " doesn't matter really, all the women in the Universe want a glance from me"

The hard core banker would lament "I am counting the millions for my bank, have lost sight of my eyesight, doesn't make a difference if there are no mirrors any more. cant see much anyway"

The stock broker would rejoice "there is not a hair left on my baldpate, the mirrors are on strike, they will return when Dow Jones picks up"

All superficial conclusions.

Not one of them pondered awhile " Am I worthy of facing my own reflection in the mirror every morning? Am I true to myself, my conscience and the ones I have treated badly?" No! not even one realised, that all the mirrors went out of circulation because they had too much to handle...too much deceit and facades....they would return perhaps, if and when values begin to resurface!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seven cardinal sins down the ages

In times of shortage and pain
Why show all that you can gain;

Eat less, 'tis time to pay heed for those in dire need
A meal shared wont do harm; give up avarice and greed;

Root cause of all vices is bickering and envy
Its fine, if your friend's partner is more trendy

Why indulge in hatred and malice
Stop being petty and callous;

Spend more time with loved ones
Ignoring them brings regret and loss;

Lend a helping hand dont jus walk away
Could be your turn within a day;

Accusing another, spreading falsehood
The vicious cycle wont do you any good.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fairy tales

they all count
when life is at crossroads.....

Time stands still as
heavens open up
in time for the downpour
its monsoon again;
to be one with the waves again.........

Friday, February 6, 2009


Black horse
Black onyx
Black Pearl
Black hound
Black satin
much much more...
Black is classy
Black is beautiful
Black is magic
It may be voodoo
could be The Devil too......
To me it means
A signature statement......

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


What would life be like, without Coke? Difficult to fathom a day without fizzz in the bizz world or elsewhere! An addiction??No way!!..its simple brain tonic. Any substitutes? Oh yeah, plain ol' Iced Tea with lemon...