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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcoming a guest with love

I am writing on this Blog of mine after ages! Not because I had nothing random to pen but most thoughts were getting channelised into short verses or poetry and penned elsewhere! Today, I find an urgent need to put down some of my thoughts, my observations and as you go along, you would perhaps understand why!

'Athithi devo bhava' is a familiar phrase to every true Indian. It literally means "A Guest is akin to God" Treat a guest with love, respect and dignity. Values which have been taught to us down the ages. Is there something wrong with values being handed down of late or have we forgotten basic manners or has the world gotten so materialistic that we just dont care any more?

Yes, I am referring to the visit of President Barack Obama to India and the coverage in various media circles, left much to be desired, cynics forgot that he is a guest and went beserk in expressing their opinions! Let me start off with what baffled me! A visiting dignitary, a State guest of honour, a personal guest to your country! Does every word that he utters have to be dissected as if he is here to pass some kind of a test? I am peeved with the media, responses in various social networking sites, newspaper articles, write ups in cyber sites etc etc., Folks are going about the business as if he is bound by some contract to say what we want to hear and then the harsh criticism the minute he steps in, analysing every word, every nuance, ever gesture, interpreting it at will and then passing judgment about his speech, his answers, his connotation, why he said this and why he did not say that!! Excuse me! He is still the most powerful man on earth ( No! I dont care what Forbes thinks, he is still No. 1) and expecting him to use sugar coated phrases for us and damnation for our neighbours? Please! Why should he say what we want to hear? Just because he visits us and is finalising some deals and is extending his hand in strategic partnership ? Something that in reality is going to benefit both nations. Not many have understood this! I wish people would grow up, take a look at what is happening globally,understand the role and responsibilities of leaders, give due considerations to their limitations, the constraints under which they are placed and the fact that diplomatic ties are of utmost importance to a great leader of substance! No leader would pit one nation against another, no matter how close a partnership they share! Everyone is equally important for global peace and growth!

I wish the media stops harping on Pak, Pak all the time! As if that was the only purpose of the visit! In fact, it wasn't even on the agenda! Other important activities are getting sidelined and the actions of certain sections of the media seems to be bouncing back into a vicious cycle. The common man is latching on to this point of view and getting influenced by so much negativity!It would certainly do wonders if all that energy, intelligence,analytical skills and thought process is put down into a dossier on "How to deal with the growing problems between the two countries and find solutions to each problem" It would certainly go a long way if some fruitful discussions are opened up on this! Who knows, some point of view somewhere might click and build a foundation for more amicable solutions! Its about time the younger generation concentrates on this and goes about it in a systematic manner, instead of venting out frustrations in the media, encouraging hype and sending out negative signals! All I would say to Gen Next is Open your eyes, keep an open mind and dont let anybody's opinion influence your individual power of thinking and reasoning!

I really shudder to think what would happen if these negative forces had been leaders. I can bet my last penny that instead of global peace we would see all prophecies related to 2012 come true!

In the true spirit of an Indian let us spread love and goodwill and believe in what we were taught by elders " Athithi Devo Bhava"..put it into practice!